1. Except as provided in subsection 3, the State Treasurer is expressly prohibited:
(a) From purchasing or selling, or in any manner receiving to his or her own use or benefit, or to the use and benefit of any person or persons whatever, any state warrants, scrip, orders, demands, claim or claims, or other evidence of indebtedness against the State; or
(b) From purchasing or being interested, or receiving, selling, or transferring, or causing to be purchased, received, sold or transferred, either in person or by agent or attorney, or by or through the agency or means of any person or persons whatever, any interest, claim, demand or other evidence of indebtedness against the State, either directly or indirectly; nor shall any clerk or employee of the State Treasurer be allowed to make any such purchase, sale or transfer, or to receive any agency from other parties to purchase, sell, transfer or bargain, in any manner, for any state warrants, scrip, demands or other evidence of indebtedness against the State.
2. Any person violating any of the provisions of subsection 1 shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. A conviction shall operate as a forfeiture of office, and the party convicted shall forever be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit or trust in this state.
3. Nothing in this section shall prevent the State Treasurer, his or her clerks and employees from selling or transferring only such warrants or scrip as they may receive for their services, but none other.
[Part 71:108:1866; B § 2669; BH § 1706; C § 1852; RL § 2824; NCL § 4824] + [Part 72:108:1866; B § 2670; BH § 1707; C § 1853; RL § 2825; NCL § 4825] + [Part 74:108:1866; B § 2672; BH § 1709; C § 1855; RL § 2826; NCL § 4826]—(NRS A 1959, 5)