1. The Committee for the Development of Projects Relating to Tourism is hereby created within the Commission on Tourism. The Committee consists of:
(a) The Lieutenant Governor, who is an ex officio member of the Committee and shall serve as the Chair of the Committee;
(b) Three members of the Commission on Economic Development, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor; and
(c) Three members of the Commission on Tourism, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor.
2. If an appointed member of the Committee ceases to be a member of the Commission on Economic Development or the Commission on Tourism, the appointed member becomes ineligible for membership on the Committee and the Lieutenant Governor shall appoint a replacement from the Commission on Economic Development or the Commission on Tourism, respectively.
3. The Lieutenant Governor may remove an appointed member from the Committee if the member neglects his or her duty or commits malfeasance in office.
4. The appointed members of the Committee who are members of the Commission on Economic Development or the Commission on Tourism, respectively, may be paid the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally by their respective commissions, as the budgets of those commissions allow.
5. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Lieutenant Governor.
6. The Commission on Tourism and the Commission on Economic Development shall jointly provide administrative support for the Committee.
(Added to NRS by 2001, 2827)