1. All interested persons must be afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit data, views or arguments upon a proposed regulation, orally or in writing.
2. Before holding the public hearing required pursuant to subsection 3, an agency shall conduct at least one workshop to solicit comments from interested persons on one or more general topics to be addressed in a proposed regulation. Not less than 15 days before the workshop, the agency shall provide notice of the time and place set for the workshop:
(a) In writing to each person who has requested to be placed on a mailing list; and
(b) In any other manner reasonably calculated to provide such notice to the general public and any business that may be affected by a proposed regulation which addresses the general topics to be considered at the workshop.
3. With respect to substantive regulations, the agency shall set a time and place for an oral public hearing, but if no one appears who will be directly affected by the proposed regulation and requests an oral hearing, the agency may proceed immediately to act upon any written submissions. The agency shall consider fully all written and oral submissions respecting the proposed regulation.
4. An agency shall not hold the public hearing required pursuant to subsection 3 on the same day that the agency holds the workshop required pursuant to subsection 2.
5. Each workshop and public hearing required pursuant to subsections 2 and 3 must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of chapter 241 of NRS.
(Added to NRS by 1983, 1125; A 1989, 571; 1997, 185; 2005, 1407; 2007, 873; 2009, 2284)