1. All advertising ordered or required by the State of Nevada or by the respective counties of the State must be paid for by the State or the county ordering or requiring the advertising at a rate that does not exceed:
(a) The published open display rate for advertising, if the advertisement is placed in a daily or weekly newspaper with a circulation of 15,000 or less; or
(b) The published rate for advertising by a nonprofit or charitable organization, if the advertisement is placed in a daily or weekly newspaper with a circulation of more than 15,000.
2. The type size for advertising ordered or required by the State of Nevada or a county must be no smaller than that used by the newspaper in the columns of classified advertisements.
3. Nothing contained in this section prohibits boards of county commissioners from entering into annual contracts for the entire official printing and advertising of their respective counties when a saving of public money will be effected thereby.
[1:79:1897; A 1949, 154; 1943 NCL § 269]—(NRS A 1963, 453; 1971, 627; 1975, 1397; 1989, 572)
NRS 238.080 Void legal notices and legal advertisements. Any and every legal notice or advertisement published in a newspaper in violation of any of the provisions of NRS 238.010 to 238.080, inclusive, shall be absolutely void.
[5:60:1925; NCL § 4704]