1. Annually, the boards of county commissioners of the several counties may include in their respective county budgets items to cover the expense of exploiting, promoting and publishing to homeseekers and the public at large, by any means in their judgment calculated to accomplish this purpose, the agricultural, mining and other resources, progress and advantages of their respective counties.
2. Such expenditures as may by the board of county commissioners be decided upon shall be met by including them in the annual tax levy of and for that county; provided:
(a) That the tax levy shall not in any 1 year exceed 3 cents on each $100 of the assessed valuation of the property in that county.
(b) That in counties having a population of 100,000 or more, the county commissioners of those counties may levy a tax of 2 cents on each $100 of the assessed valuation of property in that county.
(c) That pending the accumulation and setting aside of the fund for the purposes authorized by this section, the boards of county commissioners are authorized and empowered to pledge their respective counties for those purposes to an amount not exceeding the sum to be raised as in this section provided, and to be paid out of the fund raised and set aside therefor as herein authorized.
3. The boards of county commissioners may enter into contracts with any person, group, corporation, agency or commission to carry out the purposes of this section and are authorized to pay over to any such person, group, corporation, agency or commission, pursuant to such contracts, any moneys derived from the tax levy provided for in subsection 2.
[1:181:1937; 1931 NCL § 1929.21] + [2:181:1937; 1931 NCL § 1929.22]—(NRS A 1959, 772; 1979, 514)