1. A board of county commissioners may enter into any contract, lease, franchise, exchange of property or other transaction which extends beyond the terms of the county commissioners then in office and voting on the matter, but except as otherwise provided by law, the contract, lease, franchise, exchange or other transaction is binding beyond those terms of office only to the extent that money is appropriated therefor, or for a like item or service.
2. This section does not affect any contract, lease, franchise, exchange of property or other transaction which does not extend beyond the term of office of any member of the board who is part of the quorum voting thereon.
[1:96:1895; C § 2143; RL § 1537; NCL § 1973] + [2:96:1895; C § 2144; RL § 1538; NCL § 1974]—(NRS A 1967, 534; 1975, 568; 1977, 463; 1983, 1881)