1. All unaudited claims or accounts against any county shall be presented to the board of county commissioners within 6 months from the time such claims or accounts become due or payable.
2. No claim or account against any county shall be audited, allowed or paid by the board of county commissioners, or any other officer of the county, unless the provisions of subsection 1 are strictly complied with.
[25:80:1865; A 1945, 21; 1943 NCL § 1957] + [26:80:1865; B § 3094; BH § 1966; C § 2128; RL § 1525; NCL § 1958]—(NRS A 1971, 865)
NRS 244.255 Rejected claim not to be reconsidered. No claim which has once been presented and rejected shall ever again be considered or allowed by the same, or any subsequently elected or appointed, board of county commissioners of the same county.
[27:80:1865; B § 3095; BH § 1967; C § 2129; RL § 1526; NCL § 1959]