1. The Board of Supervisors of Carson City and the boards of county commissioners of the several counties are authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to become members of the Nevada Association of County Commissioners, heretofore organized, which organization is hereby confirmed, and, for the purpose of paying their respective membership dues and expenses of attending the annual meeting of the Association, the supervisors or county commissioners may include in the annual budget of their respective governments the amount of money estimated to be necessary to pay such expenses.
2. The amount set forth in the budget shall be included in the annual tax levy for the county or Carson City under the provisions of law regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts and other governmental agencies found in chapter 354 of NRS.
3. Claims for such expenses shall be presented and allowed as now provided by law for other claims against the county or Carson City; but per diem and travel expenses shall be allowed as provided in NRS 245.060.
[1:54:1947; 1943 NCL § 2046.01] + [2:54:1947; 1943 NCL § 2046.02] + [3:54:1947; 1943 NCL § 2046.03]—(NRS A 1969, 321)