1. The boards of county commissioners of the several counties may acquire by purchase, contracts of purchase, which may or may not extend beyond their respective terms of office, gift, or in any other manner, parcels of land for park, recreational, cultural and memorial purposes.
2. For the purpose of acquiring such parcels of land the boards of county commissioners may use any unexpended money remaining in any county fund, except bond interest and redemption funds, and may fix a yearly rate as a part of the county budget for the purpose of paying for the lands and the expense incidental to acquiring the same.
[1:206:1945; 1943 NCL § 2049.11] + [2:206:1945; 1943 NCL § 2049.12]—(NRS A 1959, 777; 1965, 104; 1979, 905; 1991, 396)