1. The budget of a district for the support of public parks must comply with the provisions of NRS 354.470 to 354.626, inclusive, but need not be separately prepared and may be included within the county budget. The district is not entitled to any share of revenue from the supplemental city-county relief tax.
2. The governing body may submit to the registered voters of the district at a primary or general election:
(a) A proposal to issue general obligation bonds of the district to finance the acquisition, construction, equipment and improvement of one or more park projects within the district, or outside the district if the governing body finds that the park project will benefit the residents of the district, but the amount of general obligation bonds or other securities so issued may not exceed 10 percent of the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the district. The ballot question for such a proposal must contain the principal amount of the general obligation bonds to be issued, the purpose of the issuance of the bonds and the estimate established by the governing body of:
(1) The duration of the levy of property tax that will be used to pay the general obligations; and
(2) The average annual increase, if any, in the amount of property taxes that an owner of a new home with a fair market value of $100,000 will pay for debt service on the general obligation bonds to be issued.
(b) A proposal to levy a tax ad valorem pursuant to NRS 354.5982 for:
(1) Any of the purposes described in paragraph (a);
(2) Maintenance of public parks located within the district;
(3) Maintenance of public parks located outside the district if the governing body finds that the parks benefit the residents of the district; or
(4) Any combination of those purposes.
3. The ballot question for a proposal submitted to the registered voters pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 2 must contain the rate of the proposed additional property tax stated in dollars and cents per $100 assessed valuation, the purpose of the proposed additional property tax, the duration of the proposed additional property tax and an estimate established by the governing body of the increase in the amount of property taxes that an owner of a new home with a fair market value of $100,000 will pay per year as a result of the passage of the question.
4. As used in this section, “park project” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 244A.039.
5. If the proposal to issue bonds is approved by the voters, the county may issue bonds of the district as provided in chapter 350 of NRS.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 64; A 1999, 1082)