1. Thirty days or more before the date of the close of filing of declarations of candidacy specified in NRS 293.177, and the office is not otherwise scheduled for election at the next ensuing biennial election:
(a) The board of county commissioners shall appoint a suitable person who is an elector of the county to fill the vacancy until the first Monday of January after the next ensuing biennial election;
(b) The office must be placed on the ballot at that election; and
(c) The person elected shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
2. At any other time, the board of county commissioners shall appoint a suitable person who is an elector of the county to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
[19:80:1865; B § 3087; BH § 1959; C § 2121; RL § 1518; NCL § 1951] + [49:108:1866; A 1933, 165; 1939, 146; 1931 NCL § 4813]—(NRS A 1977, 54; 1997, 1291)