1. Each county clerk shall, before entering upon the duties of his or her office:
(a) Take the oath prescribed by law.
(b) Execute to the county a penal bond in the sum of $10,000, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her office, which bond must be approved by the district judge and recorded in the office of the county recorder, unless a blanket fidelity bond is furnished by the county.
2. In all counties where the county clerk is ex officio county recorder, the official bond of the county clerk must be recorded in the manner and place as provided in subsection 1, and immediately thereafter must be deposited for safekeeping in the office of the county treasurer.
[3:82:1861; B § 2975; BH § 2100; C § 2319; RL § 1690; NCL § 2190] + [1:66:1891; C § 2352; RL § 2887; NCL § 4914]—(NRS A 1979, 288; 2001, 1733)