1. Except as otherwise provided by law, county recorders shall charge the following fees for recording affidavits of proof of labor on mining claims and for recording, pursuant to subsection 3 of NRS 517.230, affidavits of intent to hold mining claims:
For recording any such affidavits that embrace therein one claim................. $2
For each additional mining claim embraced in the affidavit....................... 2
2. Except as otherwise provided by an ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244.207, county recorders shall, on or before the 5th working day of each month, account for and pay to the county treasurer all such fees collected during the preceding month.
[1:83:1911; RL § 2046; NCL § 2977]—(NRS A 1959, 748; 1969, 1464; 1973, 1678; 1981, 214; 1985, 1006; 1987, 709; 1993, 300, 1351; 2001, 3210)