1. The county surveyor shall:
(a) Keep a correct and fair record of all surveys made by him or her in his or her official capacity, or by the county surveyor’s deputies acting in his or her stead, in the form of original field notes in field books to be provided by the county for that purpose.
(b) Number such surveys progressively.
(c) Make and preserve a fair and accurate record map of each survey, drawn in waterproof ink on tracing cloth or produced by the use of other materials of a permanent nature generally used for that purpose in the engineering profession, endorsing thereon its proper number and his or her official certificate of survey.
(d) Obtain maps of mining claims, mill sites and tunnel rights recorded with the county recorder and prepare a county mining claim map which must accurately reflect the location of all such claims. A county surveyor shall not refuse to accept a map submitted by the locator of the mine, nor shall the county surveyor prepare a map in lieu of one submitted by the locator, unless he or she can affirmatively show that the map submitted does not accurately reflect the location of all of the claims.
2. All records of surveys required by this chapter must be transmitted by the county surveyor to his or her successor in office.
3. Field notes and records maps must be available for copying to any person requiring a copy of the field notes or records maps.
[8:64:1861; A 1949, 144; 1943 NCL § 2171]—(NRS A 1960, 136; 1971, 2196; 1973, 868; 2001, 1746)