265.170 Annual revenues to be disposed of for benefit of city or town. If any city or town, disincorporated as provided in NRS 265.110 to 265.180, inclusive, have annual revenue accruing thereto, the same shall be paid to the board of county commissioners by persons owing the same, and all moneys thus paid, as well as all moneys paid to the trustees, shall be held and disposed of by the board for the benefit of such city or town, and may be applied by the board to any specific object upon the petition of a majority of the taxable inhabitants of the city or town; provided always, that all of the just and lawful debts, dues and demands against the corporation shall have been first paid.
[7:30:1865; B § 3918; BH § 2085; C § 2235; RL § 973; NCL § 1229]
NRS 265.180 Limitation on use of money by county commissioners. All moneys arising from the collection of taxes, fines, penalties and forfeitures shall be appropriated by the board of county commissioners toward the carrying out of those objects which, by NRS 265.110 to 265.180, inclusive, are placed under its control and jurisdiction, and none others.
[8:30:1865; B § 3919; BH § 2086; C § 2236; RL § 974; NCL § 1230]