1. All rights and property of every kind which were vested in any municipal corporation under its former organization shall be deemed to be vested in the same municipal corporation upon its becoming incorporated or changing population category pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. No rights or liabilities, either in favor of or against such corporation, existing at the time of becoming incorporated or changing population category pursuant to this chapter, and no action or prosecution shall be affected by the change, but the rights and liabilities, and any action or prosecution, must stand and progress as if no change had been made.
2. Whenever a different remedy is given by this chapter, which may properly be made applicable to any right existing at the time of such city becoming incorporated or changing population category pursuant to this chapter, the remedy shall be deemed cumulative to the remedy before provided, and used accordingly.
[10:125:1907; RL § 776; NCL § 1109]—(NRS A 2001, 625)