1. The persons elected as provided for in NRS 267.050 shall convene within 10 days and commence to frame a charter for the city and within 90 days thereafter they, or a majority of them, shall submit the charter to the legislative authority of the incorporated city.
2. Within 10 days thereafter, the legislative authority of the city shall:
(a) Cause the proposed charter to be published once in a newspaper published in the incorporated city. If no newspaper is published in the city, the proposed charter must be published once in a newspaper published in the county; and
(b) Cause copies of the proposed charter to be posted in three of the most public places of the city for 30 days.
3. The affidavits of the publisher and of the person posting the copies of the charter must be made immediately after publication and after the posting.
[Part 4:192:1915; 1919 RL p. 2659; NCL § 1251]—(NRS A 1959, 127; 1987, 1707)