1. All demands and accounts against any incorporated city in this state, must be presented to the city council of the city, in writing, within 6 months from the time the demands or accounts became due.
2. Claims against any incorporated city for property damage, personal injuries and any other claim arising out of a tort must be certified by the claimant before presentation to the city council. No other claim or account need be certified. The certification required by this subsection must be in substantially the following form: “I hereby certify that the above and foregoing claim against the City of ........, State of Nevada, is just and reasonable, and that the claim is now due, owing and unpaid.”
3. No demand or account against any incorporated city in this state may be audited, considered, allowed or paid by the city council or any officer or officers of the incorporated city unless the provisions of subsection 1 are strictly complied with.
4. No demand, account or claim which has once been rejected may be reconsidered or allowed by the same or any subsequently elected or appointed city council of the same city.
[1:23:1929; NCL § 1259] + [2:23:1929; NCL § 1260] + [3:23:1929; NCL § 1261]—(NRS A 1963, 27; 1981, 1887)