1. In addition to any authority or power now provided by the charter of any incorporated city in this State, whether incorporated by general or special act, or otherwise, except as otherwise provided in this section, there is hereby granted to each of the cities incorporated under any law of this State the power and authority to fix, impose and collect a license tax on, and regulate the sale of, beer, wines or other beverages now or hereafter authorized to be sold by act of Congress.
2. An incorporated city may deny or refuse to renew the license of a person who has willfully violated the provisions of NRS 369.630 more than three times in any 24-month period.
3. An incorporated city shall not deny a license to a person solely because the person is not a citizen of the United States.
4. The Legislative Counsel Bureau is exempt from the provisions of this section with respect to the purchase and sale of souvenir wine pursuant to NRS 218F.430.
[1:158:1933; 1931 NCL § 3691]—(NRS A 1979, 1170; 2005, 2686; 2007, 899)