1. The summons in the action need not contain a description by lot or block numbers or by metes and bounds, but shall refer generally to the purpose of the action and shall contain the name of the city or part thereof or addition thereto to be affected by the action.
2. A copy of the summons shall be posted in 3 conspicuous places within the city within 10 days after the filing of the complaint.
3. After the service of the summons and complaint, as herein provided, and the filing of the notice of the pendency of such action and the posting of summons, as in this section specified, all of the property within such city or part thereof or addition thereto shall, for all of the purposes of the action, be conclusively deemed within the jurisdiction of the district court in which such action is brought.
4. If the names of the owner or owners of any of the property within the city shall be unknown to the plaintiff, such fact may be recited in the complaint in the action and any and all such owners impleaded under fictitious names, and the complaint may be thereafter amended if the true names of such fictitious defendants or any of them be thereafter ascertained. The judgment and decree in the action shall be binding and conclusive as to all of the property affected, whether the owners, or one or more thereof, of any of the parcels of property within the city be actually named as party or parties defendant or not.
[7:120:1919; 1919 RL p. 2666; NCL § 1361]—(NRS A 1977, 1517)