270.140 Applicability of NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, to towns. NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, shall apply to like extent to towns within the State of Nevada, the word “town” being substituted wherever the word “city” appears therein and “the legislative board of the town” (or, in the event that such town have no legislative board, then the “board of county commissioners of the county in which such town is situate”) shall be substituted for “city council or other legislative board of the city.”
[12:120:1919; 1919 RL p. 2668; NCL § 1368]
NRS 270.150 Additional rights and remedies. The rights and remedies provided for in NRS 270.010 to 270.150, inclusive, shall be in addition to those existing under subsisting law in regard to the establishing and vacating of townsites or parts thereof or property devoted to public purposes therein.
[13:120:1919; 1919 RL p. 2668; NCL § 1369]