1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, if a public officer who was appointed to the office for which the public officer is serving is entitled to receive annual compensation of $6,000 or more for serving in that office, the public officer shall file with the Commission a statement of financial disclosure, as follows:
(a) A public officer appointed to fill the unexpired term of an elected or appointed public officer shall file a statement of financial disclosure within 30 days after the public officer’s appointment.
(b) Each public officer appointed to fill an office shall file a statement of financial disclosure on or before January 15 of each year of the term, including the year the term expires.
Ê The statement must disclose the required information for the full calendar year immediately preceding the date of filing.
2. If a person is serving in a public office for which the person is required to file a statement pursuant to subsection 1, the person may use the statement the person files for that initial office to satisfy the requirements of subsection 1 for every other public office to which the person is appointed and in which the person is also serving.
3. A judicial officer who is appointed to fill the unexpired term of a predecessor or to fill a newly created judgeship shall file a statement of financial disclosure pursuant to the requirements of Canon 4I of the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct. Such a statement of financial disclosure must include, without limitation, all information required to be included in a statement of financial disclosure pursuant to NRS 281A.620.
4. The Commission shall provide written notification to the Secretary of State of the public officers who failed to file the statements of financial disclosure required by subsection 1 or who failed to file those statements in a timely manner. The notice must be sent within 30 days after the deadlines set forth in subsection 1 and must include:
(a) The name of each public officer who failed to file a statement of financial disclosure within the period before the notice is sent;
(b) The name of each public officer who filed a statement of financial disclosure after the deadlines set forth in subsection 1 but within the period before the notice is sent;
(c) For the first notice sent after the public officer filed a statement of financial disclosure, the name of each public officer who filed a statement of financial disclosure after the deadlines set forth in subsection 1 but within the period before the notice is sent; and
(d) For each public officer listed in paragraph (c), the date on which the statement of financial disclosure was due and the date on which the public officer filed the statement.
5. In addition to the notice provided pursuant to subsection 4, the Commission shall notify the Secretary of State of each public officer who files a statement of financial disclosure more than 30 days after the deadlines set forth in subsection 1. The notice must include the information described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of subsection 4.
6. A statement of financial disclosure shall be deemed to be filed with the Commission:
(a) On the date that it was mailed if it was sent by certified mail; or
(b) On the date that it was received by the Commission if the statement was sent by regular mail, transmitted by facsimile machine or electronic means, or delivered personally.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 3018; A 2007, 2737)—(Substituted in revision for NRS 281.559)