1. The Director shall direct and supervise all administrative and technical activities of the Department.
2. In addition to the duties imposed upon the Director elsewhere in this chapter, the Director shall:
(a) Apply and carry out the provisions of this chapter and the regulations adopted pursuant to it.
(b) Establish objectives for the Department in terms which are specific, measurable and conducive to reliable evaluation, and develop a plan for accomplishing those objectives.
(c) Establish a system of appropriate policies for each function within the Department.
(d) Attend all meetings of the Commission.
(e) Advise the Commission with respect to the preparation and adoption of regulations to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
(f) Report to the Governor and the Commission upon all matters concerning the administration of the Director’s office and request the advice of the Commission on matters concerning the policies of the Department, but the Director is responsible for the conduct of the Department and its administrative functions unless otherwise provided by law.
(g) Establish and maintain a roster of all employees in the public service. The roster must set forth, as to each employee:
(1) The class title of the position held.
(2) The salary or pay.
(3) Any change in class title, pay or status.
(4) Other pertinent data.
(h) In cooperation with appointing authorities and others, foster and develop programs for improving the effectiveness and morale of employees, including training and procedures for hearing and adjusting grievances.
(i) Encourage and exercise leadership in the development of effective personnel administration within the several departments in the public service, and make available the facilities and services of the Department and its employees to this end.
(j) Make to the Commission and to the Governor a biennial report regarding the work of the Department and such special reports as the Director may consider desirable.
(k) Maintain a continuous program of recruiting for the classified service.
(l) Perform any other lawful acts which the Director may consider necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter.
[Part 12:351:1953] + [Part 15:351:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 486, 1283; 1983, 246, 621; 2003, 1436)