1. The Director shall prepare, maintain and revise as necessary a classification plan for all positions in the classified service, based upon similarity of duties and responsibilities, so that the same qualifications may reasonably be required for, and the same schedule of pay may be equitably applied to, all positions in the same class.
2. The duty of the Director to classify extends to all offices, employments and positions held by persons who may become members of the classified service under the provisions of this chapter.
3. The Director may, after consultation with the head of a department or agency, make changes in the classification of positions whenever the Director deems it necessary for the efficiency of the public service.
4. The classification plan and changes therein are subject to approval by the Commission, except that the Director may make a change in the classification plan without the prior approval of the Commission if:
(a) The Director deems it necessary for the efficiency of the public service;
(b) The change is not proposed in conjunction with an occupational study; and
(c) The Director, at least 20 working days before acting upon the proposed change:
(1) Provides written notice of the proposal to each member of the Commission, to all departments and to any head of an employees’ organization who requests notice of such proposals; and
(2) Posts a written notice of the proposal in each of the principal offices of the Department of Personnel.
Ê Any occupational study conducted by the Department in connection with the preparation, maintenance or revision of the classification plan must be approved by the Commission.
5. If no written objection to the proposed change to the classification plan is received by the Director before the date it is scheduled to be acted upon, the Director may effect the change. The Director shall report to the Commission any change in the classification plan made without its approval at the Commission’s next succeeding regular meeting.
6. If a written objection is received before the date the proposed change is scheduled to be acted upon, the Director shall place the matter on the agenda of the Commission for consideration at its next succeeding regular meeting.
[Part 22:351:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 1041; 1983, 625; 1985, 151; 1991, 453)