1. The appointing authorities and other supervising officers of the various state departments, agencies and institutions, after consultation with the Director, shall establish standards of work performance for each class of positions. Each appointing authority shall provide each of its employees with a copy of the standards for the employee’s position.
2. The Director shall maintain service records of performance efficiency, character and conduct by a system of service ratings based upon those standards.
3. The Commission shall adopt regulations with respect to service ratings, and prescribe the extent to which service ratings must be considered in determining the advisability of transfers, the promotion of an employee to a higher class, the question of demotion or dismissal of any employee, increases and decreases in salary of an employee within the salary range established under this chapter, and in all other decisions relating to the status of employees.
4. The Commission may, by regulation, further prescribe the extent to which the service ratings, and the reports upon which they are based, are open to inspection.
[35:351:1953]—(NRS A 1963, 1047; 1983, 634; 1989, 1056; 2003, 1444)