1. Make studies concerning the problem of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance protection for employees of the State and local governments and their instrumentalities and concerning the operation of agreements made and plans approved under NRS 287.050 to 287.240, inclusive.
2. Submit a report to the Legislature at the beginning of each regular session covering the administration and operation of NRS 287.050 to 287.240, inclusive, during the preceding biennium, including such recommendations for amendments as it considers proper.
NRS 287.240 Repeal of chapter 103, Statutes of Nevada 1953; liabilities, obligations and agreements to continue. Chapter 103, Statutes of Nevada 1953, is repealed, but all liabilities and obligations created by chapter 103, Statutes of Nevada 1953, or by any agreements entered into under the authority thereof, shall continue in full force and effect as if chapter 103, Statutes of Nevada 1953, had not been repealed.