1. The policy of this State, to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for persons of low income, is being thwarted by the frequent occurrence in public housing of activities concerning the unlawful possession, distribution and use of controlled substances.
2. The provision of public housing has never been intended to help subsidize criminal behavior.
3. These unlawful activities, conducted by an intimidating minority of the residents of public housing, are causing our public housing to become increasingly infested with violence, degeneracy and squalor, which imperils the physical and mental health of the peaceful residents therein.
4. Persons residing with the active participants in these unlawful activities commonly share in the proceeds thereof or have the ability to prevent or interfere significantly in the conduct of the activities.
5. It will promote the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of this State to require housing authorities to evict from public housing both the persons who actively participate in unlawful activities relating to the possession, distribution or use of controlled substances, and the persons who reside with them.
(Added to NRS by 1989, 1223)