1. Prepare, carry out and operate housing projects and provide for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, alteration, or repair of any such project or any part thereof.
2. Determine where there is unsafe, insanitary or overcrowded housing.
3. Make studies and recommendations relating to the problem of eliminating unsafe, insanitary or overcrowded housing.
4. Cooperate with the city, the county, the State, or any political subdivision thereof in action taken in connection with such problems.
5. If it is a regional authority, work cooperatively with the relevant local jurisdictions concerning new developments or housing projects, or both. The relevant local jurisdictions with which a regional authority works cooperatively concerning new developments or housing projects, or both, shall provide to the regional authority such support and assistance as the regional authority may require.
[Part 7:253:1947; A 1951, 11]—(NRS A 2009, 2225)