1. The issuance of bonds in one or more series.
2. The date the bonds must bear.
3. The date of maturity.
4. The interest rate or rates, which must not exceed by more than 3 percent the Index of Revenue Bonds which was most recently published before the bids are received or a negotiated offer is accepted.
5. The denomination of the bonds.
6. The form of the bonds, either coupon or registered.
7. The conversion or registration privileges which the bonds must carry.
8. The rank or priority of the bonds.
9. The manner of execution of the bonds.
10. The medium of payment in which the bonds are payable.
11. The place of payment.
12. The terms of redemption, with or without premium.
[Part 13:253:1947; 1943 NCL § 5470.13]—(NRS A 1971, 2108; 1975, 853; 1981, 1414; 1983, 583)