1. The State Land Use Planning Agency shall provide assistance in land use planning for areas of critical environmental concern:
(a) When the Governor directs that the Agency review and assist in land use planning for an area the Governor finds to be of critical environmental concern.
(b) When one or more local government entities request that the Agency advise and assist in land use planning for an area which affects them and which they consider to be of critical environmental concern.
2. Upon receipt of a directive or a request pursuant to subsection 1, the Administrator shall study the problems of the area described and meet with the affected local government entities to receive their initial comments and recommendations. The Administrator shall then submit the matter of planning for the area of critical environmental concern to the Executive Council of the Land Use Planning Advisory Council for consideration and recommendation.
3. The Executive Council shall include in its procedures one or more public hearings upon notice given by at least one publication at least 20 days before the hearing in a newspaper or combination of newspapers having general circulation throughout the area affected and each city and county any portion of whose territory lies within such area. The notice shall state with particularity the subject of the hearing.
4. Following completion of the hearings and consideration of other information, the Executive Council shall make its final recommendations for land use planning policies in the area of critical environmental concern. The recommendations may include proposed land use regulations to carry out such policies.
5. No land use regulation adopted by the Executive Council pursuant to this section may become effective without the approval of the Governor.
(Added to NRS by 1973, 820; A 1975, 105; 1977, 1556)