1. A permit to engage in a project for dredging or filling, to construct or install any gabion, riprap or similar protective structure on state land or in a navigable body of water, or to construct or install any groin, seawall, breakwater, jetty or similar protective structure in a navigable body of water, for:
(a) Any commercial use other than an agricultural use, a fee of $1,000.
(b) Any agricultural use, a fee of $300.
(c) Any other use, except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, a fee of $250.
2. A permit to engage in recreational dredging, a fee of $50 per year or $5 per day.
3. A permit to construct or install a structure on state land for the diversion of water to irrigate any land for agricultural use, a fee of $100. The State Land Registrar shall not charge a fee for the use of state land to maintain or repair such a structure.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 1458)