1. Upon the issuance of a patent to any lands by the United States, notice shall be forwarded to the settler upon such land. All patents issued by the State to the settler shall be:
(a) Signed by the Governor.
(b) Attested by the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act.
(c) Under such seal as the Division may adopt for such purpose.
(d) Recorded in the Office of the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act in a book kept for that purpose.
2. A patent shall not issue on an assignment of a certificate of location, or by reason of a process of foreclosure, unless the assignee or purchaser under foreclosure possesses all the qualifications of an original applicant.
[19:76:1911; RL § 3082; NCL § 5493]—(NRS A 1975, 111; 1977, 1200)