1. The Chief shall cause to be maintained perpetual inventory records of all supplies and materials stored centrally.
2. The Chief shall:
(a) Control the stocks of supplies and materials on hand, the storing and issuance of supplies and materials, and the distributing of the costs of supplies and materials used.
(b) Produce information, as and when required, respecting quantities on hand, quantities purchased over a specified period, quantities used over a specified period by each using agency, quantities supplied by vendors specified for specified periods, unit prices, average prices and experience with the vendors supplying the different classes of supplies.
(c) Price supplies and materials when purchased and when charged out of stock as used.
(d) Transfer surplus supplies and materials to points where they can be used advantageously.
(e) Direct and make test checks of physical inventories.
(f) Supervise the taking of annual inventories.
(g) Instruct storekeepers in the prescribed procedures for controlling stored materials.
3. The stores records must be so maintained as to show:
(a) The quantity of each commodity on hand.
(b) The average unit cost, including transportation charges.
(c) The total cost of the supply on hand.
(d) The minimum quantity that should be kept in stock.
(e) The maximum quantity that should be kept in stock at any one time.
[34:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1053; 1967, 63; 1969, 1429; 1973, 1466; 1979, 1795; 1985, 465; 1993, 391, 1565; 1995, 579; 1997, 19, 471)