1. The Chief shall classify for purchasing purposes all commodities for which there is sufficient demand to justify periodic purchasing in anticipation of needs. Commodities of the same nature, ordinarily secured from the same sources of supply and which can advantageously be scheduled for purchase at the same time of year, according to favorable market conditions, shall be included in the same class.
2. The rules shall provide, so far as practicable, for the scheduling of purchases, by commodity classes, so as to distribute the volume of purchasing work as evenly as may be over the entire year and so as best to meet the requirements of the several spending agencies of the State, while taking advantage of favorable market conditions and avoiding unnecessary tying up of funds.
3. Copies of schedules of purchases to be made shall be supplied to the several using agencies and to interested vendors.
[14:333:1951]—(NRS A 1963, 1055)