1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 333.375, the Chief shall give reasonable notice, by advertising and by written notice provided to persons in a position to furnish the classes of commodities involved, as shown by its records, of all proposed purchases of supplies, materials and equipment to be purchased in accordance with a schedule prepared in conformity with the provisions of NRS 333.250.
2. All such materials, supplies and equipment, except as otherwise provided in this section, if the estimated cost thereof exceeds $25,000, must be purchased by formal contract from the lowest responsible bidder after notice inviting the submission of sealed proposals to the Chief of the Purchasing Division at the date, hour and location set forth in the proposal, and at that date, hour and location the proposals must be publicly opened. The Purchasing Division may reject any or all proposals, or may accept the proposal determined best for the interest of the State. The notice must be published as prescribed in NRS 333.310.
3. In case of emergencies caused by acts of God or the national defense or other unforeseeable circumstances, the provisions for advertisements on competitive bids may be waived by the Chief, but every effort must be made to secure the maximum competitive bidding under the circumstances. In no case may contracts be awarded until every possible effort has been made to secure at least three bona fide competitive bids.
4. In awarding contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment, if two or more lowest bids are identical, the Chief shall:
(a) If the lowest bids are by bidders resident in the State of Nevada, accept the proposal which, in the discretion of the Chief, is in the best interests of this State.
(b) If the lowest bids are by bidders resident outside the State of Nevada:
(1) Accept the proposal of the bidder who will furnish goods or commodities produced or manufactured in this State; or
(2) Accept the proposal of the bidder who will furnish goods or commodities supplied by a dealer resident in the State of Nevada.
[19:333:1951]—(NRS A 1959, 517; 1963, 1056; 1967, 1112; 1975, 11, 513; 1979, 71; 1987, 102, 1641; 1995, 367; 1997, 485; 2001, 690)