1. A person who bids on a contract may file a notice of protest regarding the awarding of the contract with the authorized representative designated by the public body within 5 business days after the date the bids were opened by the public body or its authorized representative.
2. The notice of protest must include a written statement setting forth with specificity the reasons the person filing the notice believes the applicable provisions of law were violated.
3. A person filing a notice of protest may be required by the public body or its authorized representative, at the time the notice of protest is filed, to post a bond with a good and solvent surety authorized to do business in this state or submit other security, in a form approved by the public body, to the public body who shall hold the bond or other security until a determination is made on the protest. A bond posted or other security submitted with a notice of protest must be in an amount equal to the lesser of:
(a) Twenty-five percent of the total value of the bid submitted by the person filing the notice of protest; or
(b) Two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
4. A notice of protest filed in accordance with the provisions of this section operates as a stay of action in relation to the awarding of any contract until a determination is made by the public body on the protest.
5. A person who makes an unsuccessful bid may not seek any type of judicial intervention until the public body has made a determination on the protest and awarded the contract.
6. Neither a public body nor any authorized representative of the public body is liable for any costs, expenses, attorney’s fees, loss of income or other damages sustained by a person who makes a bid, whether or not the person files a notice of protest pursuant to this section.
7. If the protest is upheld, the bond posted or other security submitted with the notice of protest must be returned to the person who posted the bond or submitted the security. If the protest is rejected, a claim may be made against the bond or other security by the public body in an amount equal to the expenses incurred by the public body because of the unsuccessful protest. Any money remaining after the claim has been satisfied must be returned to the person who posted the bond or submitted the security.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 2410)