1. A governing body may designate one or more energy retrofit coordinators for the buildings occupied by the local government.
2. If such a coordinator is designated, upon request by or consultation with an officer or employee of the local government who is responsible for the budget of a department, board, commission or other entity of the local government, the coordinator may request the approval of the governing body to advertise a request for proposals to retrofit a building, or any portion thereof, that is occupied by the department, board, commission or other entity, to make the use of energy in the building, or portion thereof, more efficient.
3. Upon approval of the governing body, the coordinator shall prepare a request for proposals for the retrofitting of one or more buildings, or any portion thereof, which includes:
(a) The name and location of the coordinator;
(b) A brief description of the requirements for the initial audit of the use of energy and the retrofitting;
(c) Where and how specifications of the requirements for the initial audit of the use of energy and the retrofitting may be obtained;
(d) The date and time not later than which proposals must be received by the coordinator; and
(e) The date and time when responses will be opened.
4. The request for proposals must be published in a newspaper qualified pursuant to chapter 238 of NRS that is published in the county where the public work will be performed. If no qualified newspaper is published in the county where the public work will be performed, the required advertisement must be published in some qualified newspaper that is printed in the State of Nevada and has a general circulation in the county where the public work will be performed.
5. After receiving the proposals but before making a decision on the proposals, the coordinator shall consider:
(a) The best interests of the local government;
(b) The experience and financial stability of the persons submitting the proposals;
(c) Whether the proposals conform with the terms of the request for proposals;
(d) The prices of the proposals; and
(e) Any other factor disclosed in the request for proposals.
6. The coordinator shall determine the relative weight of each factor before a request for proposals is advertised. The weight of each factor must not be disclosed before the date proposals are required to be submitted to the coordinator.
7. After reviewing the proposals, if the coordinator determines that the dollar value of the annual energy savings resulting from the retrofit will meet or exceed the total annual contract payments to be made by the local government, including any financing charges to be incurred by the local government over the life of the contract, the coordinator shall select the best proposal and request the approval of the governing body to award the contract. The request for approval must include the proposed method of financing the audit and retrofit, which may include an installment contract, a shared savings contract or any other contract for a reasonable financing arrangement. Such a contract may commit the local government to make payments beyond the fiscal year in which the contract is executed or beyond the terms of office of the governing body, or both.
8. Before approving a retrofit pursuant to this section, the governing body shall evaluate any projects that would utilize shared savings as a method of payment or any method of financing that would commit the local government to make payments beyond the fiscal year in which the contract is executed or beyond the terms of office of the governing body to ensure that:
(a) The dollar value of the annual energy savings resulting from the retrofit will meet or exceed the total annual contract payments to be made by the local government related to the retrofit, including any financing charges to be incurred by the local government over the life of the contract; and
(b) The local government is likely to continue to occupy the building for the entire period required to recoup the cost of the retrofit in energy savings.
9. Upon approval of the governing body, the coordinator shall execute the contract and notify each officer or employee who is responsible for the budget of a department, board, commission or other entity which occupies a portion of a building that will be retrofitted of the amount of money it will be required to pay annually for its portion of the retrofit.
10. A change order to a contract executed pursuant to this section may not be approved by the local government if the cost of the change order would cause the dollar value of the annual energy savings resulting from the retrofit to be less than the total annual contract payments to be made by the local government, including financing charges to be incurred by the local government over the life of the contract, unless approval of the change order is more economically feasible than termination of the retrofit.
11. NRS 338.1385 and 338.143 do not apply to a project for which a request for proposals is advertised and the contract is awarded pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 912; A 1993, 1439, 2135; 1995, 575, 576; 1999, 2404; 2003, 2446; 2005, 2893)