1. Any work, construction, alteration, repair or other employment performed, undertaken or carried out, by or for any railroad company or any person operating the same, whether such work, construction, alteration or repair is incident to or in conjunction with a contract to which a public body is a party, or otherwise.
2. Apprentices recorded under the provisions of chapter 610 of NRS.
3. Any contract for a public work whose cost is less than $100,000. A unit of the project must not be separated from the total project, even if that unit is to be completed at a later time, in order to lower the cost of the project below $100,000.
[9:139:1937; 1931 NCL § 6179.59] + [8:169:1941; 1931 NCL § 6179.62]—(NRS A 1967, 34; 1985, 2041; 2003, 2416)