1. The State Public Works Board is hereby created.
2. The Board consists of seven members appointed as follows:
(a) The Governor shall appoint:
(1) One member who has education or experience, or both, regarding the principles of engineering or architecture;
(2) One member who has education or experience, or both, regarding the principles of financing or managing public or private construction projects;
(3) One member who is licensed to practice law in this State and who has experience in the practice of construction law; and
(4) Two members who are licensed in this State as a general building contractor or general engineering contractor pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS.
(b) The Majority Leader of the Senate shall appoint one member who is licensed in this State as a general building contractor or general engineering contractor pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS.
(c) The Speaker of the Assembly shall appoint one member who is licensed in this State as a general building contractor or general engineering contractor pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS.
3. Each member of the Board serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority.
4. A vacancy on the Board must be filled by the appointing authority in the same manner as the original appointment.
[Part 1:102:1937; A 1953, 11]—(NRS A 1959, 92; 1973, 904; 1983, 1959; 1987, 1485; 1993, 1567; 2001, 1916; 2007, 3267)