1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 2 and 3, the Board may make expenditures necessary to carry into effect the purposes of its acts.
2. All expenditures made by the Board must be within the limits of the appropriation provided for the use of the Board, or provided from money appropriated or authorized for expenditure by the Legislature for construction work or major repairs.
3. The Board may, with the prior approval of the Interim Finance Committee, expend money obtained from any source for advance planning of projects of capital improvement. For the purposes of this subsection, “advance planning” means the preparation of floor plans, cross sections, elevations, outlines of specifications, estimates of cost by category of work and perspective renderings of the project.
[Part 4:102:1937; A 1947, 283; 1943 NCL § 6975.04]—(NRS A 1981, 1201; 2007, 3268)