31.870 Sheriff to take property described in writ; service of writ and undertaking on defendant. Upon receipt of the writ of possession, with a copy of the written undertaking attached, the sheriff shall forthwith take the property described in the writ, if it be in the possession of the defendant or the defendant’s agent, and retain it in the sheriff’s custody. The sheriff shall also, without delay, serve on the defendant a copy of the writ and undertaking, by delivering the same to the defendant personally, if the defendant can be found, or to the defendant’s agent, from whose possession the property is taken; or, if neither can be found, by leaving them at the usual place of abode of either, with some person of suitable age and discretion; or, if neither have any known place of abode, by putting them in the nearest post office, directed to the defendant.
[1911 CPA § 185; RL § 5127; NCL § 8683]—(NRS A 1973, 1151)