[1911 CPA § 180; RL § 5122; NCL § 8678]
NRS 31.830 Creditor to advance money to jailer for support of prisoner. Whenever a person is committed to jail on a judgment recovered in a civil action, the creditor, or the creditor’s agent or attorney, shall advance to the jailer immediately upon such commitment sufficient money to pay for the support of the prisoner for at least 2 weeks, at the rate of $2.50 per day, and in case the money should not be so advanced, the jailer shall forthwith discharge such prisoner from custody, and such discharge shall be a bar against imprisonment for the same debt. At the expiration of such 2 weeks, should such creditor refuse to advance a like sum, the prisoner will be discharged as above provided, and with the same effect.
[1911 CPA § 181; RL § 5123; NCL § 8679]