41.060 Arrest and confinement of sheriff in a civil action. If the sheriff, on being arrested by an elisor, or if another, on being arrested in an action in which the sheriff is a party, upon an order of arrest in a civil action, neglect to give bail or make a deposit of money instead thereof, or if he or she be arrested on execution against his or her body, or on a warrant of attachment, he or she shall be confined in a house other than the house of the sheriff or the county jail, in the same manner as the sheriff is required to confine a prisoner in the county jail. The house in which he or she is thus confined shall thereupon become, for that purpose, the county jail.
[1911 CPA § 555; RL § 5497; NCL § 9044]
NRS 41.070 Powers, duties and fees of elisors. An elisor appointed to execute process and orders in the cases mentioned in NRS 41.040 shall be invested with the powers, duties and responsibilities of the sheriff in the execution of such process or orders and in every matter incidental thereto, and shall be entitled to the same fees as a sheriff would be entitled to for like services.
[1911 CPA § 556; RL § 5498; NCL § 9045]