1. In addition to his or her other duties, the Chief is ex officio Clerk of the State Board of Examiners. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4 of NRS 41.036, the Chief shall:
(a) Assist the State Board of Examiners in the examination and classification of all the claims required to be presented to the Board pursuant to NRS 353.090.
(b) Conduct a postaudit of claims that have been presented to the Board in the manner prescribed in the regulations adopted pursuant to NRS 353.090.
(c) Approve, on behalf of and when authorized by the Board, claims against the State not required to be passed upon by the Legislature.
(d) Each calendar quarter, provide to the Board a report of his or her determinations regarding any claims, refunds or other payments the Board has authorized the Chief to approve on its behalf.
2. The rules of procedure governing the duties of the Chief pursuant to this section must be adopted by the State Board of Examiners.
3. The Chief may delegate these duties to his or her Deputy.
[9:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.09]—(NRS A 1963, 1065; 1969, 1121; 1975, 25; 1997, 282; 2001, 1078; 2003, 626)