1. The proposed budget for the Executive Department of the State Government for each fiscal year must be set up in three parts:
(a) Part 1 must consist of a budgetary message by the Governor which outlines the financial policy of the Executive Department of the State Government for the next 2 fiscal years, describing in connection therewith the important features of the financial plan. It must also embrace a general summary of the proposed budget setting forth the aggregate figures of the proposed budget in such a manner as to show the balanced relations between the total proposed expenditures and the total anticipated revenues, together with the other means of financing the proposed budget for the next 2 fiscal years, contrasted with the corresponding figures for the last completed fiscal year and fiscal year in progress. The general summary of the proposed budget must be supported by explanatory schedules or statements, classifying the expenditures contained therein by organizational units, objects and funds, and the income by organizational units, sources and funds.
(b) Part 2 must embrace the detailed budgetary estimates both of expenditures and revenues as provided in NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive. The information must be presented in a manner which sets forth separately the cost of continuing each program at the same level of service as the current year and the cost, by budgetary issue, of any recommendations to enhance or reduce that level of service. Revenues must be summarized by type, and expenditures must be summarized by category of expense. Part 2 must include a mission statement and measurement indicators for each program. It must also include statements of the bonded indebtedness of the State Government, showing the requirements for redemption of debt, the debt authorized and unissued, and the condition of the sinking funds, and any statements relative to the financial plan which the Governor may deem desirable, or which may be required by the Legislature.
(c) Part 3 must include a recommendation to the Legislature for the drafting of a general appropriation bill authorizing, by departments, institutions and agencies, and by funds, all expenditures of the Executive Department of the State Government for the next 2 fiscal years, and may include recommendations to the Legislature for the drafting of such other bills as may be required to provide the income necessary to finance the proposed budget and to give legal sanction to the financial plan if adopted by the Legislature.
2. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 353.211, as soon as each part of the proposed budget is prepared, a copy of the part must be transmitted to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for confidential examination and retention.
3. Except for the information provided to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau pursuant to NRS 353.211, parts 1 and 2 of the proposed budget are confidential until the Governor transmits the proposed budget to the Legislature pursuant to NRS 353.230, regardless of whether those parts are in the possession of the Executive or Legislative Department of the State Government. Part 3 of the proposed budget is confidential until the bills which result from the proposed budget are introduced in the Legislature.
[10:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.10]—(NRS A 1959, 210; 1961, 389; 1963, 491; 1973, 1857; 1977, 347; 1979, 609; 1987, 1323, 1325; 1991, 2443; 1993, 624; 1995, 2812; 1997, 2700, 2705)