1. The Economic Forum impaneled pursuant to NRS 353.226 shall:
(a) Make such projections for economic indicators as it deems necessary to ensure that an accurate estimate is produced pursuant to paragraph (b);
(b) Provide an accurate estimate of the revenue that will be collected by the State for general, unrestricted uses, and not for special purposes, during the biennium that begins on July 1 of the year following the date on which the Economic Forum was empaneled;
(c) Request such technical assistance as the Economic Forum deems necessary from the Technical Advisory Committee created by NRS 353.229;
(d) On or before December 1 of the year in which the Economic Forum was empaneled, prepare a written report of its projections of economic indicators and estimate of future state revenue required by paragraphs (a) and (b) and present the report to the Governor and the Legislature; and
(e) On or before May 1 of the year following the year in which the Economic Forum was empaneled, prepare a written report confirming or revising the projections of economic indicators and estimate of future state revenue contained in the report prepared pursuant to paragraph (d) and present the report to the Governor and the Legislature.
2. The Economic Forum may make preliminary projections of economic indicators and estimates of future state revenue at any time. Any such projections and estimates must be made available to the various agencies of the State through the Chief.
3. The Economic Forum may request information directly from any state agency. A state agency that receives a reasonable request for information from the Economic Forum shall comply with the request as soon as is reasonably practicable after receiving the request.
4. To carry out its duties pursuant to this section, the Economic Forum may consider any information received from the Technical Advisory Committee and any other information received from independent sources.
5. Copies of the projections and estimates made pursuant to this section must be made available to the public by the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for the cost of reproducing the material.
(Added to NRS by 1993, 2209; A 2005, 1237)