1. In addition to the allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem determined pursuant to NRS 354.59811, if the estimate of the revenue available from the supplemental city-county relief tax to the county as determined by the Executive Director of the Department of Taxation pursuant to the provisions of subsection 11 of NRS 360.690 is less than the amount of money that would be generated by applying a tax rate of $1.15 per $100 of assessed valuation to the assessed valuation of the county, except any assessed valuation attributable to the net proceeds of minerals, the governing body of each local government may levy an additional tax ad valorem for operating purposes. The total tax levied by the governing body of a local government pursuant to this section must not exceed a rate calculated to produce revenue equal to the difference between the:
(a) Amount of revenue from supplemental city-county relief tax estimated to be received by the county pursuant to subsection 11 of NRS 360.690; and
(b) The tax that the county would have been estimated to receive if the estimate for the total revenue available from the tax was equal to the amount of money that would be generated by applying a tax rate of $1.15 per $100 of assessed valuation to the assessed valuation of the county,
Ê multiplied by the proportion determined for the local government pursuant to subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of subsection 4 of NRS 360.690, subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of subsection 6 of NRS 360.690 or subparagraph (2) of paragraph (a) of subsection 7 of NRS 360.690, as appropriate.
2. Any additional taxes ad valorem levied as a result of the application of this section must not be included in the base from which the allowed revenue from taxes ad valorem for the next subsequent year is computed.
3. As used in this section, “local government” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 360.640.
(Added to NRS by 1989, 2073; A 1991, 1434; 1997, 3294; 1999, 1099; 2003, 1637; 2005, 13)