1. Through mistake or inadvertence, a county and school district tax for any 1 tax year has, by reason of the assessment of the same piece of property, been paid two or more times.
2. A remission of the assessed valuation on a patented mine or mining claim has been ordered by a board having jurisdiction of the matter because annual assessment work was performed thereon, and the remission has not been made by the proper county officers, and taxes on the full valuation have been paid under protest by the owner of the patented mining claims.
3. Licenses or taxes have been twice paid on the same band of sheep.
4. In the opinion of the board of county commissioners, or the county treasurer in those cases in which the county treasurer is authorized to make a refund, the applicant for refund has a just cause for making the application and the granting of the refund would be equitable.
[Part 1:89:1923; NCL § 6637]—(NRS A 1987, 129; 1989, 45; 1997, 1586)