1. Each depository is required to maintain as collateral acceptable securities having a fair market value that is at least 102 percent of the amount of the uninsured balances of the public money held by the depository;
2. A depository may satisfy the requirement set forth in subsection 1 by arranging for a third-party depository to hold acceptable securities on behalf of the depository for the benefit of a collateral pool pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Treasurer under NRS 356.390;
3. No depository may, at any one time, hold public money in an amount exceeding the total equity of the depository, as reflected on the financial statement of the depository;
4. Each depository is required to submit to the State Treasurer, in the form and manner prescribed by the State Treasurer, the following reports:
(a) A daily report of the total amount of public money held by the depository;
(b) If requested by the State Treasurer, a weekly summary report of the total fair market value of acceptable securities held by a third-party depository on behalf of the depository;
(c) A monthly report setting forth a list of acceptable securities, including, without limitation, the fair market value of those securities, held by the depository or held by any third-party depository on behalf of the depository; and
(d) A current annual report containing the financial statement of the depository; and
5. The State Treasurer may impose an administrative fine not to exceed:
(a) One hundred dollars per day against a depository that fails to submit in a timely manner a report required by subsection 4; and
(b) Two hundred fifty dollars per day against a depository that fails to maintain the collateral required by subsection 1.
(Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 285; A 2007, 919)