1. The State Controller, acting upon the collection data furnished by the Department, shall remit to the governing body of a municipality that adopts an ordinance pursuant to NRS 271A.070, in the manner provided pursuant to an agreement made pursuant to NRS 271A.100:
(a) From the State General Fund the amount of money pledged pursuant to the ordinance in accordance with subparagraph (1) of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NRS 271A.070, which amount is hereby appropriated for that purpose; and
(b) From the Sales and Use Tax Account in the State General Fund the amount of the proceeds pledged pursuant to the ordinance in accordance with subparagraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of NRS 271A.070.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, the governing body of a municipality that adopts an ordinance pursuant to NRS 271A.070 shall at the end of each fiscal year remit to the State Controller any amount received pursuant to this section in excess of the amount required to make payments due during that fiscal year of the principal of, interest on, and other payments or security-related costs with respect to, any bonds or notes issued pursuant to NRS 271A.120 and payments due during that fiscal year under any agreements made pursuant to NRS 271A.120. The State Controller shall deposit any money received from a governing body of a municipality pursuant to this subsection in the appropriate account in the State General Fund for distribution and use as if the money had not been pledged by an ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 271A.070, in the following order of priority:
(a) First, to the credit of the county school district fund for the county in which the improvement district is located to the extent that the money would have been transferred to that fund, if not for the pledge of the money pursuant to that ordinance, pursuant to paragraph (e) of subsection 3 of NRS 374.785 for the fiscal year in which the State Controller receives the money;
(b) Second, to the State General Fund to the extent that the money would not have been appropriated, if not for the pledge of the money pursuant to that ordinance, pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 for the fiscal year in which the State Controller receives the money; and
(c) Third, to the credit of any other funds and accounts to which the money would have been distributed, if not for the pledge of the money pursuant to that ordinance, for the fiscal year in which the State Controller receives the money.
3. The provisions of subsection 2 do not require a governing body to remit to the State Controller any money received pursuant to this section and expended for the purpose of prepaying, defeasing or otherwise retiring all or a portion of any bonds or notes issued pursuant to NRS 271A.120 or of prepaying amounts due under any agreements entered into pursuant to NRS 271A.120, or any combination thereof, with respect to a tourism improvement district if that use of the money has been:
(a) Authorized by the governing body in the ordinance creating the district pursuant to NRS 271A.070, or in an amendment thereto; and
(b) Approved by the governing body, Commission on Tourism and Governor in the manner required to satisfy the requirements of subsections 6, 7 and 8 of NRS 271A.080,
Ê and after the provision of notice to and an opportunity to make comments by the board of trustees of the school district in which the tourism improvement district is located in accordance with subsection 4 of NRS 271A.080 and, if applicable, by the board of county commissioners of the county in which the tourism improvement district is located in accordance with subsection 5 of NRS 271A.080.
4. The Nevada Tax Commission may adopt such regulations as it deems appropriate to ensure the proper collection and distribution of any money pledged by an ordinance adopted pursuant to NRS 271A.070.
(Added to NRS by 2005, 2371; A 2009, 2084)